This website (“Website“) is owned and operated by Jojeni Developments Pty Ltd (“Jojeni Developments”).
The information contained on the Website is provided for general guidance only.
The projects and dwellings represented in this Website are of an indicative nature only. Changes may be made during the development and dimensions, fittings, finishes and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Prospective purchases must make, and rely on, their own enquiries. The Website information is provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including accuracy, timeliness and completeness.
In no event shall Jojeni Developments, its directors, employees, agents or its related corporate entities be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, liability for loss of use, data or profits), arising out of or in connection with the Website, or any content thereon.
Jojeni Developments either owns the Copyright in all material on the Website or has the owner’s authorisation to use the material on the Site.
Any unauthorised use of any materials on the Website may violate copyright, trade mark and other laws.
Materials on the Site, including trademarks, trade names and logos may not be modified, reproduced or publicly displayed, performed or distributed or used for any public or commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Jojeni Developments.